Rainy River First Nations
Basic Information
Business Information
Rainy River First Nations believes that the members of the chief and council and staff must commit themselves to the community members. The chief and council and staff must at all times maintain close relationships with the community members by making regular home visits in order to listen and acknowledge the issues and concerns of the members they served.
Rainy River First Nations believes that the organization must develop and promote the community ownership of the First Nation by the membership and the staff.
Rainy River First Nations believes that the organization reflect traditional values in all aspects and its direction by: respecting and recognizing the membership’s needs, growth and autonomy; respecting and developing trust among all stakeholders; respecting nature and each other; and respecting the spiritual beliefs of each individual.
Rainy River First Nations believes that – as First Nations – we must work together as united people to be successful in achieving our common goals.
Rainy River First Nations believes that we as First Nations members are the one and only people, who can determine our future and prepare a path that will bring prosperity and progress to the community, which will assist our First Nation to be self-sufficient and self-governing.
Rainy River First Nations believe that we must support other First Nations and affiliated organizations as they are important to the growth of our community.
Rainy River First Nations believe that the organization at all times must support the needs of the community members to get jobs, long term security and to live in a community that is safe and healthy in order to bring our children and grandchildren to a high standard of living.
Rainy River First Nations is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and treatment for all members and employees. Accordingly, the organization is committed to providing an environment where the dignity, well being, and positive growth of individuals is respected and preserved. Sexual harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated by the Rainy River First Nations and its organizations.