NORCAT Youth Training

Youth Training Course information is listed below, including course descriptions, outlines, and availability.

YES Office Safety Awareness

Availability: Continuous/Online
Register Online

Course Outline:

  • Introduction
  • General Safety Regulations
  • Housekeeping
  • Office Environment
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Review

Course Description:

By law, you have the right to know what hazards might exist in your office workplace and how to avoid injury when working around them. Workplace accidents most often occur when people take unnecessary risks, are not paying attention to what they are doing and/or not following standard working procedures. By not jeopardizing the health and safety of fellow workers, obeying all safety procedures and reporting any incidents, nearly all common work-related accidents can be prevented. This training program will inform you of many useful safe work practices in an office setting, help you recognize potentially dangerous situations at your workplace and teach you how to react to such situations in a responsible manner.

YES Outdoor Safety Awareness

Availability: Continuous/Online
Register Online

Course Outline:

  • Introduction
  • Employer Policies
  • OHSA Regulations
  • General Safety Guideline
  • Housekeeping
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Outdoor Work
  • Travelways
  • Back Care
  • Machinery
  • Electricity
  • Compressed Air
  • Hand Tools
  • Motor Vehicles
  • Overhead Work
  • Fire Safety
  • Lock and Tag
  • Summary

Course Description:

The Young Employee Safety (YES) program provides work guidelines that employees should know and follow. The program highlights rules of conduct, personal protective equipment, personal hygiene, and safe work practices. In particular, young workers are introduced to the proper techniques and practices for lifting heavy objects, painting and staining, grooming landscapes, operating power tools, using gas-powered equipment, working with ladders, confined space awareness, handling hazardous materials, fueling machinery, and maintaining personal hygiene. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect a worker. However, it must be realized that it is the young worker’s responsibility to work with care and attention to safety.