Lac Seul First Nation
Basic Information
Business Information
Lac Seul First Nation’s geographical location is in Northwestern Ontario, approximately 38 kilometers northwest of Sioux Lookout. Total membership population is at 3,452 based on INAC’s May 2017 records. Thirty percent of the memberships are on reserve residents.
Lac Seul First Nation is distinct because it is the only First Nation in the Sioux Lookout District with four ( 4 ) communities. Kejick Bay, Canoe River and Whitefish Bay are located on the north shores of the Lac Seul Watershed System and Frenchman’s Head on the Lost Lake is part of the English River System.
There is paved road access to Frenchman’s Head, Kejick Bay and Whitefish Bay. Canoe River Kejick Bay is accessible by air, boat, or snowmobile. The communities are some distance apart. Frenchman’s Head road is approximately 9 km from the town of Hudson, accessing via Highway 664. Kejick Bay is 21 km north-northwest of Frenchman’s Head. Whitefish Bay is in close proximity to Kejick Bay at a distance of 2 km to the southwest. Canoe River is 2 km to the northeast from Kejick Bay.
Lac Seul First Nation’s four communities have modern infrastructures with medical clinics, schools, recreational facilities, a full police service, band administrative offices and warehouse buildings, churches, a water treatment plant and ground water supply units, tourist camps and a few small businesses. Each community, expect Canoe River, has access to hydro, running water and communication services. The nearby town of Sioux Lookout serves as the main centre for commerce and government services but does not limit the people from traveling and doing business elsewhere.
Distance Education Coordinator (Term Position)