Mission & Vision of Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong

Vision Statement

“Trained Anishinaabeg working toward a strong Treaty #3 Nation”

Mission Statement

“To support and promote training and employment opportunities for Treaty #3 Anishinaabeg.”

Cultural Appropriateness
, Fairness, 
, Accountability, 
Responsibility & Reliability, 
Open Communication, and 


Board of Directors:

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong was created by the Chiefs of Treaty #3 through consultation with The Five Friendship Centres in the territory, the Grand Council Treaty #3 Women’s Council and the Grand Council Treaty #3 Youth Council.  The Board of Directors consists of 8 directors and one elder.  Each Director is appointed as follows:

  1. Chiefs of Treaty #3 (23 First Nations) appoint 4 representatives with one from each region – North, East, South and West of the Territory through the representing Tribal Council
  2. Five Friendship Centres in Treaty #3 appoint 2 Members representing the off-reserve population
  3. Grand Council Treaty #3 Women’s Council appoints one representative
  4. Grand Council Treaty #3 Youth Council appoints one representative

And the Board has one elder for spiritual guidance.

With a competent and an effective board of directors made up of representation from a balanced cross section of its members, Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong is prepared to meet all challenges.

Organizational Information

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong was incorporated on December 31, 1992 as a direct result of the Pathways to Success strategy.  We have been the agreement holder and service delivery agent for each aboriginal employment and training strategy since Pathways to Success to the current AHRDs II strategy and its extension to September 30, 2010.  

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong is mandated to sign the agreement and deliver employment and training services to the 23 First Nations of Treaty #3 by a Chief’s in Assembly resolution at the start of each strategy and has the mandate to continue this service under the ASET strategy.

Organizational Map